The East Brother Light Station is a relaxing and beautiful place to unwind. In the spring the wildlife ushers in the newborn babies and they are everywhere on the island. In the Fall, it is one of the best places in the world to view meteor showers.
The East Brother Light Station Victorian Dinner, Bed and Breakfast Inn in Richmond, California is more than a bed and breakfast, they provide gourmet meals with menu changes in the Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall.
This charming island lighthouse historical landmark hosts:
Day Trips
Romantic Getaways
Lighthouse History Buffs Day Trips
Unique Wedding Venue
Family Reunions or Anniversary Parties
Business or Social Meetings / Retreats
The East Brother Light Station was built in 1873 as an aid to mariners in the San Pablo/San Francisco Bays. After many years as an automated station, and under threat of destruction and replacement with a light on a pole in the middle of the island, the facility was taken over by a non-profit 501 c3 California Corporation under license from the US Coast Guard.
Visit their web site for more information on reservations, volunteer opportunities, to signup for their free newsletter, and more details on the day trips.